sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010

cherokee indian wolves parable

Once upon a time, an old Cherokee Indian was teaching his grandson about life.

"A struggle is going on inside me," he said to the young boy. "It is a tough one and it's between two strong wolves. One is evil . . . he is envy, greed, guilt, resentment, self pity, lies and false pride. The other is goodness . . . he is joy, serenity, compassion, humility, benevolence, and truth."

"The same fight is going on inside you as well and inside every other person." He added.

The grandson looked up at his grandfather with frightened eyes and asked, "But tell me Grandfather, which one will win?"

His Grandfather replied . . . "The one you feed."

May we all feed the good wolf from day to day and allow the bad wolf to starve. That is my prayer for each one of us.

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