domingo, 25 de abril de 2010
quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010
“obrigado” em inglês

De quantas formas podemos dizer “obrigado” em inglês?
"If the only prayer you say in your whole life is ‘thank you’, that would suffice.
Meister Eckhart
Some other ways of saying ‘thank you’ are -
Thanks a lot
Thanks very much
Thanks a million
Thanks a bunch
Many thanks
Much obliged
Cheers (UK)
Thanks a lot
Thanks very much
Thanks a million
Thanks a bunch
Many thanks
Much obliged
Cheers (UK)
I’d like to thank everybody who has worked with me over the years.
I / we appreciate….. or I / we would appreciate… (often used in formal letters).
I really appreciate all your support on this matter.
We would appreciate it very much if you could please give this matter your urgent attention.
I’m so grateful to you for what you’ve done.
I would be most grateful if you could possibly deal with this issue immediately.
I would be most grateful if you could possibly deal with this issue immediately.
I’d be obliged if you didn’t tell anyone about this.
A: Here’s the report you asked for. B: Oh, I’m much obliged to you.
Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha. Adquira seu exemplar na Disal ou no Submarino.
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